In most organizations today, all junior and senior employees are encouraged to have the right Cisco certification paths. There are many of the certification paths, including routing and switching and VoIP and Networking security among others. These are foundational paths that will make it easier for you to pursue the Cisco CCNP for networking professionals. After attaining your CCNA certification, Cisco CCNP becomes your next level certification in the Cisco career path. In this training, you will learn basic skills like installation, configuration, switching, implementation, authentication and troubleshooting of various networking problems in both Local and wide area networks (LAN and WAN). These crucial skills will equip you as an IT professional with the capacity and capability to work in developed voice, wireless, video and security solutions.
Minimum requirements
As earlier mentioned, this is a course you undertake after successfully attaining your Cisco CCNA certification. The minimum requirement for pursuing this course by Networkers Guru is thus one year experience in the networking industry. Cisco has brought forth a number of training courses for various IT professionals to make them more effective in whatever they do in their workplaces.ccnp training in gurgaoncisco networking certifications